Product Line Moitoring System MOXA
Kebutuhan Remote Monitoring untuk modern production line saat ini sangat lah banyak di karenakan dengan menggunakan sistem Remote Monitoring mempermudah bagi supervisors untuk memonitor jalannya mesin dan sistem produksi, apakah sistem berjalan dengan benar, cepat, atau lambat.
Menggunakan sistem seperti ini di butuhkan device yang sangat mumpuni dalam melakukan transmisi data dari control center menuju device dan sebaliknya secarang langsung, dan sistem ini juga harus beroperasi tampa hambatan dengan atau tampa kabel (wireless).
Dengan menggunakan produk MOXA yang dapat menjalankan multiprotocol, mengubungkan berbagai device dengan brand brand yang berbeda, juga keunggulan menggunakan MOXA Line monitoring sistem antara lain ialah. Open network, Self-Healing, Secure Connectivity dari segala macam device ke MES/SCADA system.
Berikut beberapa Produk MOXA monitoring System :
MOXA EDR-810 Series
Features and Benefits
- 8+2G all-in-one firewall/NAT/VPN/router/switch
- Secure remote access tunnel with VPN
- Stateful firewall protects critical assets
- Inspect industrial protocols with PacketGuard technology
- Easy network setup with Network Address Translation (NAT)
- RSTP/Turbo Ring redundant protocol enhances network redundancy
- -40 to 75°C operating temperature range (-T model)
- Security features based on IEC 62443/NERC CIP
- Check firewall settings with intelligent SettingCheck feature
EDS-405A Series
Features and Benefits
- Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain (recovery time < 20 ms @ 250 switches), and RSTP/STP for network redundancy
- IGMP Snooping, QoS, IEEE 802.1Q VLAN, and port-based VLAN supported
- Easy network management by web browser, CLI, Telnet/serial console, Windows utility, and ABC-01
- PROFINET or EtherNet/IP enabled by default (PN or EIP models)
- Supports MXstudio for easy, visualized industrial network management
ioLogik E1200 Series
Features and Benefits
- User-definable Modbus TCP Slave addressing
- Supports EtherNet/IP Adapter mode ( Requires online registration available for free charge)
- Supports RESTful API for IIoT applications
- 2-port Ethernet switch for daisy-chain topologies
- Saves time and wiring costs with peer-to-peer communications
- Active communication with MX-AOPC UA Server
- Supports SNMP v1/v2c
- Easy mass deployment and configuration with ioSearch utility
- Friendly configuration via web browser
- Simplifies I/O management with MXIO library for Windows or Linux
- Class I Division 2, ATEX Zone 2 certification (Class 1 Division 2 and ATEX currently do not apply to the E1213/E1213-T Models).
- Wide operating temperature models available for -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F) environments
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